AVIAIR Laboratory Tested and Proven

All Natural Contains No Alcohol Sanitizing System
The only electronic sanitizing system that destroys the coronavirus in just 20 seconds.. making your home cleaner and safer!
Aviair Electrolysis Generator Sanitizing System utilizes the same electrolyzing technology that has been used for almost 40 years in agricultural and industrial disinfecting applications. An effective solution can be made on-site by the Aviair sanitizing system to consist of sodium hypochlorite, sodium chloride, and hypochlorous acid, which is often referred to as electrolyzed oxidizing water. The disinfectant liquid is 80 times more potent than traditional bleach cleaners, reacts faster against bacteria, and does not leave harmful residues.
Sanitizing solution is easy to make, simply use clean tap water and table salt. It’s all natural, non-irritating, non-corrosive, and non-flammable. These characteristics are in stark contrast to heavy chlorine content bleach and irritant alcohol. The electrolyzed solution is a gentle surface disinfectant that can be made anytime, anywhere. Aviair empowers people, not only to never run out of
disinfectant, also to reduce environmental waste by avoiding the disposable sanitizer bottles.
With reputable third-party test lab reports, Aviair’s sanitizing solution is *effective on commonly seen bacteria, viruses and fungi such as:

Third Party lab tests prove 30 seconds or less to kill these common but harmful pathogens:
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